No-one Dies Alone Ayrshire Organisational Review and Funding Strategy

Newmilns | 2022 | Commission

No-one Dies Alone Ayrshire provides compassionate care to people in their community who are alone and dying. The organisation was established in 2018, and was at a point where it was growing, in volunteer numbers, staff, activities and aspirations. We carried out a mini organisational review, through conversations with the founder, and a visioning event with staff, volunteers and Board members. We supported the organisation to be better able to describe what they do, and the impact their activities have. We developed a framework for a funding strategy, which the organisation are now confident to incorporate in to their future plans. 


"We were delighted to have the help of the program which helped to propel us forward in our strategy building and with the collection of our evaluations. Thank you very much."

No-one Dies Alone