Business Plans and Sustainability Planning   

LIFT at Muirhouse Millennium Centre Business Plan

Edinburgh | 2024 | Robertson Trust


LIFT provides crisis prevention support for the people of Muirhouse, delivering support and advocacy services for anyone on a low income using a unique key worker model.

Need for Support

LIFT needed support in developing a Business Plan that reflected the evolution of the service and articulated its unique key worker model. 

What we Did

We facilitated a session with the founder to gather baseline information. We also consulted with service users to evidence the difference the service makes to individuals and the wider community. This information was combined with a financial and funding strategy to create a Business Plan for the organisation to pursue.


Development of a detailed funding and business plan to help articulate LIFT's model in preparation for investment.

Business Plan Created

Funding Strategy Created


"The document we have received is excellent; it catches every element of how I described our service delivery."

LIFT@ Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre