Brand Strategy and Marketing    Business Plans and Sustainability Planning   

Charlie’s Old Codgers Digital and Marketing Support

South Lanarkshire | 2022 | Accelerate

Charlie’s Old Codgers helps to care for animals when their owners no longer can. Usually, this is sadly due bereavement or to the owners moving into care and being unable to take their much-loved pets with them. Charlie’s Old Codgers also take in pets of veterans and serving personnel who, owing to injury, require care for their animals until they can return home.

Through the Accelerate Programme, Community Enterprise provided help and support to Charlie’s Old Codgers in promoting its services to a wider audience. This included helping to refresh and update its logo and helping to set up an easier and more efficient donations system. Community Enterprise also provided a helpful funding guide, giving application tips and sources with a view towards greater stability and longer-term planning.


"The help and understanding were second to none and it was a pleasure to work with and be helped by everyone."

Charlie's Old Codgers